PT.Sendy Jaya Putra began 1992, after years in the Oil and Gas Services industry. Known as Sendy Jaya or SJP located in Balikpapan, at Letjend Suprapto No 58 Baru Ulu Balikpapan,East Kalimantan.
Sendy Jaya located at a strategic position with easy access from Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport.
A company that giving services on Private Jetty, Loading/Unloading and transportation, also Warehouse and Open Yard Rent.
A complete logistical and industrial company that suitable for Oil, Gas and Exploration businesses.
Sendy Jaya with a spacious area and facilities, supported with equipment that meets requirement needed. All services designed and customized based on customer’s need to meet the requirements.
Coordinate (1˚13’ 7.86” S - 116˚48’ 50,28”E)
Length 80,4 meters
Depth on low tide ± 3 meters, on high tide ± 5 meters
Structure : concrete surface with pile construction
Landing Ramp for Roll on – Roll off vessels
V-Shape for embark or disemberk passenger on crew change
± 3.500 m² storage at jetty
supported with approximately ± 20.000 m2 open yard storage
Indoor storage / warehouse and office at jetty
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah tujuan utama setiap kegiatan di PT. Sendy Jaya Putra. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, perusahaan menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu, Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) dan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan untuk mengendalikan seluruh proses dalam rangka mengenali harapan dan kebutuhan pelanggan serta memenuhinya.
Perusahan bergerak dibidang jasa bongkar muat. Untuk memenuhi harapan pelanggan, manajemen menetapkan standar pelayanan Cepat, Tepat, Aman, Rapi, dan Ramah (CTARR). Faktor "Aman" merupakan faktor terpenting dalam pelayanan ke pelanggan. Untuk itu manajemen mengendalikan resiko kerja dan dampak lingkungan sebagai upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja, dan pencemaran lingkungan di area perusahaan.
Dalam kegiatannya, perusahaan berupaya memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan, peraturan perundang-undangan tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, perlindungan lingkungan, dan persyaratan lain yang disyaratkan oleh mitra perusahaan sesuai dengan lingkup bisnis perusahaan. Perusahaan berupaya menyediakan tempat kerja yang aman, nyaman dan sehat.
Untuk mernberikan arah yang jelas kepada seluruh karyawan, manajemen menetapkan tujuan, sasaran dan program terkait mutu, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, serta lingkungan yang akan ditinjau secara periodik, Manajemen juga berkomitmen melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan terhadap kinerja dan sistem manajemen yang ada.
Agar bisa dipahami oleh setiap orang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan perusahaan maka manajemen menyediakan inforrnasi tentang kebijakan dan sistem manajemen perusahaan serta mengkomunikasikannya kepada pihak-pihak terkait. Manajemen percaya sistem ini bisa membawa perusahaan merealisasikan visinya ''Menjadi mitra terpercaya dalam kerja sama operasi bongkar muat dan mitra terbaik pelanggan dalam hal pelayanan"
Suitable for vessel berthing and crew change activity. With jetty length 80,4 meters and draft approximately 2,7 meters on low tide and 5 meters on high tide. It gives spaciousness timing for berth without have to wait for high tide. Complete with approximately 3.500 m2 storage area at jetty.
Jetty specification :
• Coordinate ( 1◦ 13’ 7.86’’ S - 116◦ 48’ 50,28’’ E )
• Length 80,4 meters
• Depth on low tide ±2,7 meters, on high tide ±5 meters
• Structure : concrete surface with pile construction
• Landing Ramp for Roll on – Roll off vessels
• V-Shapes for embark or disembark passanger on crew change
• ±3.500 m2 storage at Jetty
• Indoor storage / werehouse and office at Jetty
• Hydrant
Available for a complete cargo handling and loading unloading activity. Equipped with cranes and forklift handled by certified labors with sufficient experience handling oil and gas materials and goods.
Crane &Forklift :
• XCMG QY50K Truck Crane, 50 Ton Telescopic Boom, Migas : 604/PA/SKPP/18.05/DJM/2013 (1 Unit)
• P&H Rough Terrain Crane, 50 Ton Telescopic Boom, Migas : 211/PA/SKPP/13.03/DMT/2009 (1 Unit)
• P&H Crawler Crane, 35 Ton Latice Boom, Migas
• TOYOTA Forklift, 3.5 Ton Free Lift (1 Unit)
Providing various types of trucks and trailers to support Cargo Handling & Loading-Unloading to transport materials and goods and deliver to customers sites or destinations.
Transportation unit :
• Hino head tractor, c/w 4ft High bed trailer, year 2012 (3 unit)
• Nissan head tractor, c/w 40ft High bed trailer, year 1998 (1 unit)
• Hino Tronton Truck, 10 wheel, year /2012 (1 unit)
• Nissan Tronton Truck, 10 wheel, year 1999 (2 unit)
• Nissan Tronton Truck, 10 wheel, year 1998 (2 unit)
• Hino Longbed Truck, 6 wheel, year 2013 (1 unit)
• Nissan Longbed Truck, 6 wheel, year 2000 (2 unit)
• Nissan Longbed Truck, 6 wheel, year 1998 (2 unit)
• Nissan Longbed Truck, 6 wheel, year 1997 (1 unit)
• Hino Small Truck, 6 wheel, year 1999 (2 unit)
• Low Bed Trailer, 3 axle, year 1999 (1 unit)
• Low Bed Trailer, 2 axle, year 1999 (1 unit)
Supported with approximately 20.000 m2 open yard storage that very useful for keeping Oil and Gas materials and equipments. Also completed with werehouse for indoor storage that could be designed and customized to custumer’s need and requirements.
Werehouse & Open Yard :
a. 220 m2 werehouse, include 60 m2 office (2 storey)
b. 240 m2 werehouse, include 60 m2 office (2 storey)
c. 240 m2 werehouse, include 60 m2 office (2 storey)
d. 420 m2 werehouse, include 120 m2 office (2 storey)
e. ±6.000 m2 of gravel open yard
f. ±8.000 m2 of concrete block (65%) and gravel (35%) open yard
g. ±2.000 m2 of gravel open yard
Ability of producing fresh water. Sendy Jaya could provide fresh water with capacity of 4 liters per second which can be filled directly to vessels that berth on jetty.
Water Treatment Process :
• 200 Ton reservoir capacity
• ± 4 liter per second production
• Treatment method : chlorine, polymer, carbon, zeolac
• Piping line to offices, werehouse and jetty for transferring to vessel